Until recently the fourth section was incomplete. Thanks to our Sustainability Group we now have a set of bullet points amplifying this item.
The Vision Statement is not set in stone. It represents the current position of the Ministry Team and the Parochial Church Council. We should expect it to be reviewed and modified over the years.
Here is the full text:
St John the Baptist, Malden
Vision Statement
Both now and for the foreseeable future,
we understand ourselves to be called by God
to be:
An expression of the
Body of Christ within the Anglican Communion
offers worship to God,
witnesses to God’s love and life,
helps people to grow in their experience and knowledge of God’s love,
which works towards the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth, as a
place of justice and peace for the whole of creation,
1. which offers worship to God, that
is beautiful and the best we can offer
engages the senses, the intellect and the emotions
is open and available to as many people as possible
is regular and reliable, yet evolving
celebrates and consoles, affirms and challenges
brings to God the world as we experience it
2. which witnesses to God’s love and life, by
communicating the Gospel by all relevant, engaging and
accessible means
showing God’s love, not only in our worship, but in our
structures and activities
being of service to our neighbour(s)
3. which helps people to grow in their experience and
knowledge of God’s love, by
encouraging personal prayer and reflection
encouraging a knowledge of the Bible, and a way of
engaging with it which is critical, devotional and open to inspiration
encouraging intelligent and creative engagement with the
liturgy and celebrations of the Church
helping people to grow in their understanding of the
nature and mission of the Church, and their unique place within that
4. which works towards the establishment of the Kingdom of
God on earth, as a place of justice and peace for the whole of creation, by
preaching the stewardship of all of God’s creation as
essential to Christian discipleship
teaching and practising sustainable and ethical
purchasing in accordance with Biblical principles of justice for all
using resources such as energy and water responsibly,
minimising waste
caring for the environment in and around our church